
Mid Life Crisis Long Distance Run 

During the last (third I think) lockdown I started bringing a tiny Dictaphone on my long runs and talking to myself as I huffed and puffed around Norwich. To begin with it was going to be Jonnie, Pinny and I documenting our path to marathon running but it quickly changed into just me talking to myself. 

The Adventures of George Orwell and HG Wells 

During the first Lockdown my friend Robin asked me to be in his sitcom about these two great writers. 

1 2


My friend Joe and I decided that we were going to become the next stand up sensations so would meet up each month to talk through progress on our sets.
Spoiler alert : We still haven't become stand up sensations.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Two Pint Interviews

I went to the pub and recorded drinking pints and talking shit with...

Iain Lowery
Joel Benjamin
Ben C Winn
Alan Southgate
Laura Reynolds-Mears

Monthly Podcasts

I challenged myself to make a podcast every month for a year, ended up doing it for 2 years by accident. I think I went a bit mad and some friends started actively not hanging out with me.

Everyone gets the blues in JANUARY
Podcast de FEBRUARO
MARCH is hare
[Recorded Lowery Two Pints in April]
Teresa May or May not be Prime Minister by the time you listen to this
JUNE know the way to Clapham?
JULY? No I always tell the truth
AUCAST Podgust
I can't make up a funny title with September in
NOvember absolutely not vember
Why you not more merry JANUARY
FEB You Hairy
MARCH of the hairy hares
APRIL Cowers
MAY kneer
[Recorded Joel Two Pints in July]
Should I STOP doing this nonsense TOBER
No Member
December Pod Last


There are a few older attempts at starting up a podcast habit 

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