Sunday 1 January 2017

New Year, Same Old Blog

January 1st 2017 and I am still a bit of a cliche full to the brim with resolutions and projects just because the number at the end of the year has ticked over to 7. Here's a handy set of bullet points to guide you through them :

  • Record a podcast once a month - This will mainly be me dicking around on my phone and talking to myself in the bath. Ideally I'll get some friends to collaborate with me (Not in the bath per se). 
  • Write a novel - This is really more of a "write more" resolution but it would also be nice to have a final product of some kind by the end of the year. There were a few weeks last year where I got in to the habit of doing an hour of writing every morning before work and there are a few ideas for shorter stories and even a children's book already floating around my head. 
  • Learn to drive - Yes I am 35. No I can't drive. 
  • Create 6 pieces of "art" in a year - Towards the end of last year my mammy was a bit poorly so to cheer her up I said that we should do an art project together. We will both do 6 pieces each in the year and maybe even put on an exhibition in the next New Year. 
  • Buy a house - Like the driving one, I think this is in the "I should be adulting by now" category. 
That's on top of the standard stop smoking, drink less, do more exercise, save money, don't be a dick, etc... but I won't bore you with that. In fact I probably won't bore myself with that. 

I'm also going to try and update this more regularly (at least once a month) which should tie in with some of the above. There's some links to different pages on the right over there which will chart specific bits of my progress. 

Finally if you are future me reading this in January 2018 and laughing at how little of what you intended to do you actually did. You are a knob. 

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