Monday 27 April 2020


Unless you've literally been living under a rock for the last few months (If you have go back for a bit longer) you will know that there's been a virus doing the rounds and that all us fragile humans with our respiratory systems ripe for viral invasion have been asked to stay at home and stop touching each other. Everyone's working from home and it's a good time, in general, to get on with things. I've actually been quite busy so I thought it would be good to resurrect my blog to keep a track of everything I'm up to. It also genuinely feels like the sort of period of time that will be of interest to historians in the future. Not that they will be reading my blog. Unless they are writing a very specific essay about keepy uppies and banjo playing in the early 20s. Or I become some kind of world leader / celebrity / god / mass murderer / all of the above. To be honest I'm not even sure I'm going to ask anyone in the present to read this. I'll probably just write this for future me. Hello future me. How is that rash coming along?

I used to have a bit of a problem with blogs (You can look through the "blogaholic" bit at the bottom of the page if you don't believe me), in my 20s the blog was like a digital version of the partially used notebook. Discarded or misplaced too soon. Then on to the next one. I liked the idea of having different ones for different things I did. I saw them as different aspects to my personality but looking back it was just different things that I did and I should have just got over myself. Although I think I was probably being ironic. Yes let's say I was being ironic. Anyway, what am I saying? I'm saying that this blog is just going to be about things I do, things I'm interested in, things that happen to me. It's going to be about all sorts of shite not one specific piece. A sewage plant rather than an individual stool.


In terms of what I have been doing during the lockdown so far I've been writing, reading, meditating, song writinging, army fitnessing, keepy uppy-ing, illustrationing, you are the hero-ing, fifa-ing, PS4-ing, bullet journalling and watching TV/Films/Youtube. I'm also planning to start learning the banjo, getting out exploring deserted Norwich on my bike, writing some comedy and having a go at the 24 hour comic challenge. All of these things could may well turn into blog posts. Watch this space. Or forget about it and read it in the future. Do what you want.

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