Wednesday 24 June 2020

Toucan play at that game

24th June 7:24 am Esdelle Street

The sun shines hard on my face. It's higher than the tree that must have been protecting me last time. Like someone's got their ball stuck up a tree but that ball's on fire and is the sun. The air is cool and the fly is back checking out my death feet. The yard is mid-change. Not in a changing seasons kind of way. More that we're halfway through sorting it out. Models of exotic birds, cacti and half constructed brick islands compete with tubs of mortar and discarded wees killer for our attention now. 

My 7:30 alarm breaks my concentration, that was when I thought I should / would wake up today. That could be my "sliding doors" moment today. Somewhere else, in a parallel universe maybe, I stayed in bed for that extra 20 minutes. I wonder what will happen to that me? He won't have done his grounding meditation and wouldn't have written this - although he may have written it from the angle. In other words writing about the me that is me now. 

Anyway back to this universe/existence. Had a vivid dream last night (Is that existence?), lots of ex girlfriends / crushes in the same place. I think it was a whole holiday park full (More Center Parcs than Haven - snobby subconscious!). Although it's weird, I started this paragraph with a clear idea of who and what I dreamed about but it's like my subconscious has put the barriers down. "No you are not writing that down, that is sensitive data that will get us both into trouble." I'll try to remember to go straight to dreams next time.

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