Thursday 26 August 2010

Almost Autumnal Autopsy

Sat at my desk looking out from my artificially lit nhs window on to the gradually approaching grey grizzle of Great Yarmouth. It seems that summer is at an end so soon enough I will be looking out of this same window at pitch black late mornings and early evenings devoid of light. I am a self prescribed sufferer of SAD. I think it's fair to say that anyone brought up in the Cayman Islands and air dropped into Norfolk's biggest seaside resort at the age of nine would suffer from the same affliction. Though to be honest I think that SAD is one of those things that almost doesn't need to be said. Seasonal Affected Disorder - I mean who isn't affected by the seasons? It's like saying you have a phobia of being stabbed in the eyes or that you have an allergy to having your genitalia grated. I think it's more that in the Carribean there is very little difference between the seasons. If you think of the gulf between mid winter and mid summer here it is massive. The only difference there is you may get away with a factor or two less sunblock in "winter" (say factor 48 instead of 50) and you may be able to stay out in the midday sun a couple of seconds more before your resemble a walking kebab. My point is I don't really think I have SAD, I have ABTFTSE (Affected By The Fact That Seasons Exist) - It doesn't quite roll off the tongue does it? - which is why these transition periods of weather, amount of daylight and people's behaviour make me feel so fecking depressed.

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